Please follow the steps below to signup or update your profile as well as connect your payment platform.
Visit the Forgot Password page, fill in your email, and click the reset button.
An email confirmation will then be sent to your inbox.
You should receive an email confirmation to verify your email address, click the link in the email to confirm.
-set your new password
Once you’ve reset your password, you will be invited to sign-in using your newly created password. Click the “signin” link and login using your email and the new password you set.
Once logged in, click “Profile” in the top right menu to go to your manage profile page.
Fill in or update your profile information.
Click “Update” to save the changes to your profile.
At the bottom of your manage profile page you will see a “Connect Now” button.
You will be redirected to login and follow the steps to connect your Stripe account or signup for a new one. This on-boarding process (hosted by Stripe) can be initiated by clicking on the Connect Now link at the bottom of the form.
Clicking this button will take you to Stripe where you can begin the process of connecting your Stripe account to your New Beginning Charity account.
If you do not already have a Stripe account, you can signup for a new one.
If you already have Stripe
If you don’t have a Stripe account
if already logged into Stripe:
if not logged into Stripe
for new accounts, fill out Stripe information and click the authorize button
Step Four – Redirected bakc and confirmed
Once your Stripe account is connected you will be redirected to our confirmation page which confirms everything is set up and ready to go!