Featured Organizations

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Seattle T2P2

Menstrual products are expensive! We founded Seattle T2P2 on International Women’s Day 2017 to provide menstrual products to low-income, students, and unhoused people. Tampons and pads are considered “luxury” items ineligible for purchase on government assistance programs like food stamps. If you’re a person living on the streets, in transitional housing, or a young adult, it can be hard to afford $13.25 a month for menstrual products.

Without these products, people have to improvise using rags or use toilet paper while staying near public restrooms for several days. Watch this video from Bustle which explains what it’s like to be unhoused and unable to afford menstruation products.

While organizations servicing these people do an excellent job of providing a safe place to sleep and a warm meal, they often rely on what is donated to them. These donations don’t typically include menstruation products like pads, tampons, or liners.

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Circle the City

Circle the City offers a wide variety of healthcare services to meet the needs of individuals that are facing homelessness in Maricopa County, Arizona. Services are provided at our Medical Respite Centers, and health centers as well as out in the field with our mobile and street medicine teams. Our trained staff is always looking for new and innovative ways to help those in need. Over 10 years of experience and commitment have earned Circle the City recognition for providing healthcare to individuals facing homelessness.

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Grady Health Foundation

At Grady, we believe health care starts at home and in your daily life, and particularly with your diet. Healthy eating is one of the first steps towards a healthy life, but for vulnerable members of our community, access to fresh food is limited. That’s why we partnered with Open Hand Atlanta and the Atlanta Community Food Bank and formed the Food as Medicine program, providing patients challenged by access to food with prescriptions for fresh, healthy food.

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More than one hundred years ago, the Jewish community founded HIAS (originally the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) in New York City, the immigrant gateway to America. Supporting Jews fleeing persecution and poverty in Eastern Europe, our founders were guided by the traditions, texts, and history of the Jewish people – a history of oppression, displacement, and diaspora. HIAS has since helped generations of Jews facing violence and remains committed to helping Jewish refugees anywhere in the world. Today, our clients come from diverse faiths, ethnicities, and backgrounds, as do our staff members. We bring our experience, history, and values to our work across five continents, ensuring that refugees today receive the vital services and opportunities they need to thrive.

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Congenital Hyperinsulinism International

CHI was founded in May, 2005, by concerned parents of children with HI who had met in the early years of the social media revolution through a Yahoo! Groups community (the “hyperins” message board), launched in May, 1999. CHI founders wanted to make sure there was an organization that could advocate on behalf of each child brought in to the world with the disorder, irrespective of where the child was born and the family’s resources. CHI founders wanted to create opportunities for HI families to come together and learn from leading world experts and each other. CHI founders wanted to help support research so that children born with HI in the future would never die or suffer from brain damage. CHI founders wanted to make sure that when a baby presents with the disorder, medical personnel would quickly make a correct diagnosis so that the baby does not suffer from needless brain damage. CHI founders understood that to be successful, parents would have to work side by side with medical specialists to reach these goals, and so they formed the CHI Scientific Advisory Group (SAG). The SAG is comprised of the leading world specialists treating and researching HI. CHI founders believe that all HI families around the globe are part of the CHI Family.

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One Tail at a Time

One Tail at a Time (OTAT) started as a backup plan for dogs that were not getting adopted or rescued by other groups in the area shelters. Over the years we have experienced consistent and steady growth: we are among the top transfer partners for dogs at Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC) and for cats at several open intake shelters in Indiana, we have a robust transport program in which dogs are rescued from high-kill shelters in southern states, and we are even able to pull dogs from a rescue partner in Tulum, Mexico to help them get adopted in the Chicagoland area. Our growth has been, and continues to be, due to the overwhelming support received from our community. Members enable us to take on complex medical cases and continue to grow our annual intake numbers. Volunteers have continued to line up to foster and care for dogs, cats, rabbits, and guinea pigs, to take on leadership roles, and to help build One Tail at a Time into a well-known and respected rescue organization in Chicago and beyond.

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Asmbly Makerspace

Our mission is to enrich Austin’s creative maker community by providing a top notch creative space with tools and educational opportunities in a multidisciplinary, inviting, and member-focused setting. As an educational nonprofit, we will continue to expand class offerings to both our members and the community at large. Our classes already run the gamut from introductory woodworking to advanced welding, laser cutting, 3D printing and more.

We continually aspire to expand the disciplines offered at Asmbly, but want to be sure we do it right. We would love to offer jewelry making and ceramics in the near future and expanding into a larger space will likely be the appropriate time for these additions. Until then, we will be working to improve our current offerings.

Hiring a full-time staff to help manage our growing operations is one of our goals. We’re proud to have a few part-time staff providing essential support to our Education and Membership Teams. However, by and large, Asmbly runs on the efforts of dedicated volunteers. Each member plays a part in helping the space to flourish, from keeping the workshop and bathrooms clean, to planning for the future and managing our finances.

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Odd Man Inn Animal Refuge

We envision a world where all species are valued and protected.
It starts with our core values:

Healthcare equity
Lifelong sanctuary
Community connections
Science-based innovation
Service to the community
Responsible stewardship
These values are our guiding compass and drive us to fulfill Our Mission of providing lifelong sanctuary care to vulnerable animals and educating to inspire compassionate living.

This propels us towards Our Ultimate Vision: a world where all species are valued and protected.

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