Featured Organizations


The Voter Participation Center

We are the New American Majority.
The New American Majority—young people, people of color and unmarried women—is 150 million people strong. They represent 64% of the people who can vote in America.*

Rebuilding Lives

Youth Care

YouthCare works to end youth homelessness and to ensure that young people are valued for who they are and empowered to achieve their potential.
YouthCare envisions a community where no young person experiences homelessness, all young people have the opportunity to thrive, and the systems that oppress them are dismantled.

Rebuilding Lives

El Centro de la Raza

Our Mission
As an organization grounded in the Latino community of Washington State, it is the mission of El Centro de la Raza (The Center for People of All Races) to build the Beloved Community through unifying all racial and economic sectors; to organize, empower, and defend the basic human rights of our most vulnerable and marginalized populations; and to bring critical consciousness, justice, dignity, and equity to all the peoples of the world.

Rebuilding Lives

Lambert House

Lambert House is an international leader in LGBTQ youth community building – the primary prevention strategy for the constellation of risks that disproportionately affects all LGBTQ youth. The risks we address include: social isolation, depression, suicide, alcohol and other drug use, HIV & other STDs, family conflict that can lead to homelessness and survival sex, and school failure. Lambert House provides LGBTQ youth with daily opportunities to make friends with other youth like themselves and with supportive adults. It is this connection with peers and adults that immediately makes life better for LGBTQ youth. Lambert House is where life gets better.


Hear Your Song

Hear Your Song, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that empowers children and teens with serious illnesses and complex health needs to make their voices heard through collaborative songwriting.

In live, collaborative songwriting sessions, Hear Your Song volunteers work with children and teens to guide them through the process of writing their own song lyrics. Using the kid songwriter’s ideas for musical style, melody, instrumentation, and tempo, volunteer composers and musicians then set those words to music and record the song to be heard, celebrated, and shared.

Hear Your Song partners with pediatric hospitals and long-term care centers as well as camps, schools, and other nonprofit programs that serve kids experiencing serious illnesses and complex health needs. Hear Your Song’s volunteers collaborate with kids through campus-based chapters and at the organization’s national level. All of our programs are available to our families and partner organizations free of charge.

Rebuilding Lives


The core purpose of MBA Project is to awaken the intrinsic value of youth. We accomplish this through groundbreaking mindfulness-based direct service work that empowers incarcerated and at-risk youth to overcome trauma, transform negative behaviors, and find real freedom from the inside. Our seasoned team of instructors provide concrete tools to reduce stress, impulsivity and violent behavior and increase self-esteem, self-regulation and overall well-being. Our youth learn powerful new methods of responding to the challenges they face in the present, so they can build a foundation for a healthy and fulfilling future.


Real Change

Our Mission

Real Change exists to provide opportunity and a voice to low-income and homeless people while taking action for economic, social and racial justice.

JOBS – Low-barrier, immediate work opportunity for anyone who needs it.

JOURNALISM – Our weekly, award-winning newspaper covers issues that impact our community.

JUSTICE – Anti-capitalist advocacy that centers the voices of those most impacted.


Real Change is led by and accountable to the community we serve. Vendor committees advise each department, including the Vendor Organizing Committee, the Vendor Advisory Board, and the Editorial Committee. Currently, due to the pandemic, committee activity is paused. Vendor leaders also serve on the Board of Directors.


Free Library of Philadelphia

The mission of the Free Library of Philadelphia is to advance literacy, guide learning, and inspire curiosity. Its vision is to build an enlightened community devoted to lifelong learning.

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