Featured Organizations


Save the Redwoods League

Save the Redwoods League is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to protect and restore California redwoods and connect people to the peace and beauty of redwood forests. The League protects redwoods by purchasing redwood forests and the surrounding land needed to nurture them. We restore redwood forests by innovating science and technology that can improve stewardship and accelerate forest regeneration. And by protecting more than 200,000 acres and helping to create 66 redwood parks and reserves, the League builds connections among people and the redwood forests. The League’s work is grounded in the principles of conservation biology, research and improving our collective understanding and appreciation of the redwoods.


American Whitewater

American Whitewater is a national non-profit 501©(3) river conservation organization founded in 1954 with approximately 6,000 members and 100 local-based affiliate clubs, representing whitewater enthusiasts across the nation. American Whitewater’s mission is to protect and restore America’s whitewater rivers and to enhance opportunities to enjoy them safely. The organization is the primary advocate for the preservation and protection of whitewater rivers throughout the United States, and connects the interests of human-powered recreational river users with ecological and science-based data to achieve the goals within its mission.


PTSD Foundation of America – Camp Hope

The Mission of the PTSD Foundation of America is to bring hope and healing to Combat Veterans and their families suffering from the effects of combat-related Post Traumatic Stress.

We do this by taking a whole-person approach, offering evidence-based peer-to-peer mentoring, both on an individual basis and in group settings. In addition, our programs and services are free to the Veteran and their family so that the focus remains on their journey to healing.

We take a collaborative approach to raising awareness of the increasing needs of the military community by working with government agencies, service organizations, churches, and private sector businesses to combine resources.

By taking our message to public events, media outlets, social media, and service organizations we can more effectively reach Veterans in crisis and make life-saving impact on the Veteran community.

Rebuilding Lives

Constructing Hope Pre- Apprenticeship Program

Constructing Hope’s mission is to rebuild the lives of people in our community by encouraging self-sufficiency through skills training and education in the construction industry. We provide no-cost, ten-week construction training programs, placement services, and career advancement support. We serve people of color, people coming from incarceration, and low-income adults. A youth summer camp provides skills, motivation, and construction career pathways.


Parent Project MD

Duchenne is a fatal genetic disorder that slowly robs people of their muscle strength. Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy fights every single battle necessary to end Duchenne.

We demand optimal care standards and ensure every family has access to expert healthcare providers, cutting edge treatments, and a community of support. We invest deeply in treatments for this generation of Duchenne patients and in research that will benefit future generations. Our advocacy efforts have secured hundreds of millions of dollars in funding and won five FDA approvals.

Poverty & Hunger

Constellation Fund

Minnesota is the most charitable state in America. But despite our generosity, there are 650,000 residents of the Twin Cities living in poverty, a number that has risen by 60% over the past two decades. Our communities of color have borne the brunt of this trend: for example, you are nearly six times more likely to be poor in the Twin Cities if you are black than if you are white, the largest such disparity of any major metropolitan area in the country. This all adds up to a startling reality: one-in-five residents of the Twin Cities is currently living in poverty.



GirlVentures’ inspires girls to lead through outdoor adventure, inner discovery, and collective action.

The only nonprofit of its kind, GirlVentures combines outdoor adventure with social emotional learning for adolescent girls, at a critical time in their lives.


Information Technology & Innovation Foundation

As technological innovation transforms the global economy and society, policymakers often lack the specialized knowledge and expert perspective necessary to evaluate and respond to fast-moving issues and circumstances. What should they do to capitalize on new opportunities, overcome challenges, and avoid potential pitfalls? The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) exists to provide answers and point the way forward.

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