I don’t know about you but I love to entertain on the weekends. But sometimes I don’t want to go all out… just a little something to have an excuse to fill my home with my nearest and dearest. When I’m in the mood to entertain, but not feeling too crazy, my go to crowd pleaser is a simple coffee & doughnut brunch. Here’s the details:
THE GOODS // First up, you have to have doughnuts! Depending on how motivated you are, I personally use some of the following recipes. But if you want to make it easy on yourself, just get a great sampling from your favorite animal friendly baker.
Vegan Custard Creme (or Jam) Filled Doughnuts
Espresso Glazed Vegan Doughnuts
For taste and aesthetic, try to have a variety of flavors including basic doughnuts with just a bit of a glaze or powdered sugar, something for your chocolate lovers and of course, oozy filled goodness. I personally love jam or custard filled doughnuts.
In regards to size, while big doughnuts can be fun, it may discourage people from tasting a variety of sweets. For this reason, I recommend making varying sizes from mini doughnuts to doughnut holes and the like. It gives your display a little bit of visual interest and allows guests to experience a variety of flavors in one or two bites.THE DISPLAY // Get a variety of pretty mismatched plates. Tiered cake plates or even just regular plates in a variety of shapes and sizes can all work nicely. Use vases, pretty wood blocks or other details from your kitchen to elevate the plates at a variety of heights. If you’re an over thinker like me, display it all on a beautiful flour sack linen and accent it with a fresh bloom here and there or just a bud vase with flowers from your own yard.
If you have the time, consider adding cute little handwritten note cards or flags to let guests know what they’re getting themselves into with each treat.THE DRINKS // Where there is doughnuts, there must be coffee. Myself, I love to go with a nice Cafe De Olla, which is delicious with or without Kahlua or even this Coconut Horchata Iced version which is not only beautiful but kind to all the furry creatures out there. Or, of course, guests will love a nice, basic brew.
THE NAPKINS // If all goes well, you’re going to need napkins and lots of them. I have a personal collection I’ve curated over the years from antique shops and the like, but if you’re on the hunt, we love these beauties from Local + Lejos that pay for a month of school for a child in India.
That’s it! Easy, crowd pleaser activity to get your weekend entertaining underway. Let me know how it goes!
Drool worthy doughnut photos are courtesy of One Love Photo