How a couple thanks their guests is such an interesting part of the day and a reflection of who they are and my work at Haute Hope gives me an opportunity to help couples design favors that are thoughtful, fitting, and impactful . Here are just a few of my favorites I’ve worked on:
WILD & FREE // This couple is a lover of all things organic, natural and of deeper meaning… and at the end of the night they can be found tying these spectacular friendship bracelets around the wrists of their guests!
Pura Vida Original Friendship Bracelet // $5 each
Impact // each bracelet has a specific cause associated with it. 1% or more of the profit gives back to the planet, animal awareness, cancer, the military and many more initiatives.
Photo by Lauren & Abby Ross
TIMELESS & TRADITIONAL // This pair has a classic approach to their wedding day, preserving some tradition, and infusing heritage pieces that have deep sentimental meaning. As a result their thank you gifts are designed to last and pay homage to the past.
standard wax candle + vintage matchbooks in a muslin bag. $15 per set
Impact // the standard wax candle is all natural soy, made in the USA and the ceramic container up-cycles into an art piece for the home. The muslin bag is made in the USA. The vintage matchbooks are sourced from thrift stores and mom + pop makers around the USA. (p.s we actually designed these for a client and trust us they’re gorgeous!)
Photo by Steve Steinhardt
QUIRKY & PLAYFUL // These folks are dancing down the aisle and throughout the rest of the big day! They want their guests to feel lots of love and even more laughter – which means sending them home with a sweet (and equally as fun) treat.
Personalized bars of Raaka Chocolate (the pink sea salt is amazing!) – $7.95+ each
Impact // these delicious chocolate bars are fair trade, wrapped in recycled paper and even donate their cocoa husk to Edible Schoolyard NYC, an after-school gardening program at P.S. 216 in Brooklyn; the husk is used as mulch and fertilizer.
Photo by Jonas Peterson